Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Classic Arguments From an Illegal Alien

It’s always a wonderful thing to hear about people who can get a second chance at life.  But, suppose you were denied a chance to live, because someone else cheated to take your place.  How would you feel then?
The Chicago Tribune has recently run a story regarding an illegal allien, Jorge Mariscal, who was able to a receive a kidney transplant at Loyola University Medical Center.  The article said that he waited 8 years due to his status.  Mariscal talks about his frustration about the healthcare system’s attitude towards illegals:
But he remains frustrated with a health care system that he worries might leave out an untold number of illegal immigrants in need of lifesaving treatments.
“Why can’t we be treated the same?” he asked while sitting in his hospital room. “Health care should be a human right, not a privilege. At least give us the chance to fight for our lives with dignity.”
Interesting that he asked, ‘Why can’t we be treated the same?’  …That is quite correct.  It is important that all humans be subject to the same laws, as it is law that protects human life, liberty, and property.  Laws are supposed to be what prevent cheaters from prospering while honest people receive the short end of the stick.
But is that what happened here?  Not exactly.
What the article failed to mention was that according to the United Network for Organ Sharing, there were 116,734 candidates for organ transplants since Saturday.  In addition, KidneyList.org states:
The average waiting time for a kidney is three to five years, depending on blood type.
Clearly this is a tough situation. No one wants to see someone go through pain and suffering, but is this fair to legally residing waiting-list candidates that certain folks can come to the US illegallyand jump right in line? By saying that health care is a human right and this illegal immigrant deserves this kidney, then what would you say to lawful citizens of the United States that would not be ‘treated the same’ as an illegal immigrant that broke laws to get into our country?
These tough questions may not ever have definitive answers, but if there is one thing that is clear it is that the US government needs to start talking about some very serious and comprehensive immigration reform that works for everyone.

His quote is just riddled with backwards logic and racism. Racists truly believe that when something bad happens to them, it's because of their race. The less they consider other factors, the more racist they are. It's easier, safer, and more effective to be a racist by claiming the victim role, than to try to point out and judge the racially-motivated actions of others.

It seems that most illegal immigrants don't recognize that what they're doing is wrong. Their thinking is that if it was really wrong to walk into another country, it would have fallen apart a long time ago. The fact that it's working is their proof that it's the right thing to do. They're partially drunk and lustful about the thought of claiming ownership (stealing) cities, land, businesses, and millions of goods and services.

It really hurts to watch, but we have to stay focused on the bigger picture, and keep the peace. It's nice to think that since they're in charge (or soon to be) how are they going to pay the national debt? It falls on their shoulders. Many of our problems we won't have to worry about. Let's just keep the peace and share God's love with everyone, so that we can reach the lost, and live out our lives in peace.

It's the greatest robbery the world has ever seen and ever will see. Let's give the greatest loving Christian response.