Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Inciting Incident

I'm writing this blog today because I'm upset about the marches that going to take place on May 1st, 2006. I want to relate to those of you who are upset about it too, and discuss the implications. I want to work with others to understand who the Latino Americans are. I want to study how we should work with them without ever compromising our integrity or faith.
But if you are like me, you care deeply about others, and you know that rules and authority are good things that prolong and enrich our lives (the 4th commandment).

The comment that upset me the most about these marches was when I heard a spokesperson for one of these marches on the news saying that the people are going to wear white to show respect and solidarity with the American people. Yet, at the end of the clip he talked about wanting to "shut the city down" with the vast numbers of people. I applaud the effort to show solidarity with our society, although I hardly believe it. But the quest to amass numbers large enough to shut down a city sounds like the illegal immigrant mentality that I am familiar with. Fear and threats are basics in the communication styles of the unchurched and undereducated.

My life with immigrants started when I was 13. I told myself I wanted to learn Spanish and have a Latina girlfriend so I could help her understand our country. Now, thanks to God, I got more than I ever intended! I married a Latina woman, and became educated in communication and social psychology. Furthermore, she was someone who never wanted to stay here in the first place. So I have been treated to even more colorful differences between America and the Latino way of life, giving me even more to explore and discuss. I have also been blessed with a strong conservative liturgical pastor who has shined a brilliant light on evil societal trends like post-modernism, liberalism, and feminism. Now I am thankful to be able to share my stories with you!

Some of the issues I want to discuss in the future include:
the concern over English
Latino sensitivity to racism
culture and subculture
types of illegal aliens
God's divine plan for the U.S. and the Latin-American countries
Catholic influence and ancient spirituality, and their influence on behavior
How to build a Spanish vocabulary quickly
How to have meaningful conversations with Latinos
the illegal immigrants' perspectives of America
Insightful nuances that illegal immigrants tend to portray

Please take the time to leave some feedback. Please tell me which of the subjects you want answers to. I can relate my stories and opinions from my education and life events.

Thank you for your time. May God be with you!

By the way, don't worry! All things work out to the good of those who love God, and are called according to His purpose.

My prayer requests:
To find a vocation pleasing to God in immigration, particularly in helping the two cultures work together according to His will.
That I continue to integrate into the Latino subculture
the health of my interracial marriage


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